Join the "Blueprint for Inclusion" Book Waitlist

Rebekah Poe Teaching

We're in this together.

Helping teachers tackle the tough topics in education.

The number of students qualifying for special education services is climbing.

In the 2021-2022 school year, 15% of students enrolled in public K-12 schools received special education services. Now more than ever, it’s important to know best practices and strategies to ensure that every student in your classroom is supported.

That's where I come in.

With over a decade in the special education field, I have seen first hand the importance of creating an inclusive classroom environment that can meet the needs of all students. And the greatest chance for success comes from YOU, the educator.

The problem lies in the fact that general education teachers are often only given a small taste of a special education classroom in college, and little to no first-hand experience while student teaching. Then you get in a classroom of your own with students of varying ability levels and IEPs and required accommodations and while I KNOW you want to do *all the things* for your students, the background knowledge isn’t there, and you’re left scrambling.

I offer educators the opportunity to learn best practices and strategies for reaching and teaching students with IEPs within the general education setting to ensure that every student in your classroom is able to learn, grow, and succeed. And to ensure that you as the educator feel supported and equipped to reach and teach every student in your classroom.

I offer virtual consultations, professional development sessions, and in-person trainings to help you navigate the intricacies of working with students with IEPs within the general and special education settings. Schedule a free call with me to learn more!

With various educational service models, we are sure to find the one that fits your needs.


Book a 1-on-1 call with Rebekah to cover topics related to student behavior, IEP goals, progress monitoring, and more.


Bring Rebekah to your school to conduct a classroom observation and receive strategies specifically designed for your particular scenario.


Everything offered in the in-service consultation. Additionally, Rebekah will be available for in-classroom modeling and teacher training.

Professional Development

Booking speakers for professional development sessions or conference events? Rebekah is available to present in person and virtually on a variety of sought-after topics including student behavior, student engagement, and special education strategies and supports.

With various educational service models, we are sure to find the one that fits your needs.

Virtual Consultation

Book a 1-on-1 call with Rebekah to cover topics related to student behavior, IEP goals, progress monitoring, and more.

In-Service Consultation

Bring Rebekah to your school to conduct a classroom observation and receive strategies specifically designed for your particular scenario.

In-Service Training

Everything offered in the in-service consultation. Additionally, Rebekah will be available for in-classroom modeling and teacher training.

Professional Development

Booking speakers for professional development sessions or conference events? Rebekah is available to present in person and virtually on a variety of sought-after topics including student behavior, student engagement, and special education strategies and supports.

Virtual Consultation

You’ve Got Questions.
I’m here to help!

In a virtual consultation, we will meet via Zoom or Google Meet where you can tell me all about your classroom and ask any questions pertaining to IEPs, progress monitoring, student behavior, and more! Together we’ll brainstorm solutions and ideas specifically designed for your classroom.

In-Service Consultation

Let’s Get Personal

In an in-service consultation, Rebekah will spend the day in your classrooms observing students and teachers. After the observation, Rebekah will develop strategies for your specific scenarios and go over them in a team debriefing session.

In-Service Training

Let’s Work Together

In an in-service training, Rebekah will spend the day in your classrooms observing students and teachers and develop strategies for your specific scenarios. Over the next days, teachers will receive hands-on training and modeling in the classrooms to learn to implement the strategies with fidelity.

Professional Development

Training for Everyone

Booking speakers for professional development sessions or conference events? Rebekah is available to present in person and virtually on a variety of sought-after topics including student behavior, student engagement, and special education strategies and supports.

Let’s Keep in Touch!

​I’m always happy to talk about the services I offer and answer any questions. Please complete this form and I’ll be in touch soon, or schedule a free call with me using the calendar scheduler below. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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