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Rebekah Poe Teaching

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Multisensory instruction is a teaching approach that involves engaging multiple senses to help students with learning disabilities better understand and retain information. This approach recognizes that different students learn in different ways, and that incorporating multiple senses can make learning more effective and engaging for everyone. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of multisensory instruction for students with learning disabilities.
Classroom discipline is an important part of creating a positive learning environment for students. It involves setting expectations for student behavior and creating structures that support those expectations. Good classroom discipline can help create a safe and productive learning environment, while poor discipline can lead to chaos and disruption in the classroom. It is essential for teachers to have effective strategies in place to ensure that their classrooms are well-disciplined and conducive to learning.
When it comes to determining eligibility and qualifying for special education, there are a few things you need to know.
Brrrr! I bet you’re feeling that cold winter air too… We are entering those LONG, BREAKLESS months of the school year when the students are coming down off the holiday high and struggling to stay focused. This is the best time to buckle down and get to business, but we really need to make learning engaging to get them back on track.
Education today can sometimes be difficult to navigate. You see, the phrase “when I was in school” is said… A LOT… and there IS a difference between today’s education and the education of those who start parent-teacher conferences with “well when I was in school…” Today there are national laws, district procedures, and school procedures that must be followed that may differ from the education of (long) ago. That is why collaboration and communication are key – especially in special education.
Happy Fall Y’all! If you’re anything like me, once the season changes you go into a fall frenzy: pumpkin everything, fall colors, turkeys, apples, cozy blankets, and more! Well, since I love the fall season SO much it gave me the idea to create activities for my classroom that would get my students into the seasonal spirit too (while also being engaged in ELA and Math activities).
Differentiate Instruction Guide

Looking for ways to differentiate instruction without hours of extra planning?

I get it. You’re a busy teacher with a busy life. You know that true instruction isn’t “one-size-fits-all,” but planning a lesson to meet all the needs of your diverse learners seems daunting and time consuming.

I’ve compiled a list of over 25 ways you can start differentiating instruction in your classroom RIGHT NOW. Sign up to download my differentiation checklist and get ready to become a differentiation rock star!

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